Thursday, June 04, 2009

Holiday in lieu pay

Well folks, once again the end of our physical year is nearing and I found myself having to scramble. I received notice at the end of April that I had 64 hours of Holiday In Lieu pay that must be used by 6/30/2009, or I will loose them.

I checked the vacation datebook, and there were no consecutive days available. Since I hate getting up for work on Monday(I don't know why, because it's my 2nd day of the work week,) I have scheduled 3 Mondays in June off. In addition, I have taken two Sundays off as well.

I must say, it feels real good to have a short work week.


Rashan Jamal said...

time off is always good.. sundays and mondays is almost like an extra weekend. good stuff

moι said...

Enjoy your days off.

Nexgrl said...

Work on Sunday, then off on Monday. So far, I've enjoyed the time off.
So far, so good. Thank you.