Monday, March 17, 2008

Just wrong for no reason

Today has been a succession of patrons approaching me with the wrong information.

1. Patron: Do you have anything on syrian theology

Me: Do you know how to spell syrian (at that point, I didn't know what she was saying.)

Patron: I think that it is s-y-r-i-c.

I did a quick google search to see if I could figure out what she was talking about. I gave
the patron the correct spelling.

Patron: I read about it and I want more information.

Everything that I found was a reference copy only and the patron got ticked with me. I told her
good luck and walked away.

2. Patron: I can't seem to find this book. Can you look in the computer and see if the book is
I conducted a search in the online catalog and no such number is in the system.

Me: Do you know the title of the book?

Patron: NO!

Me: I am only asking because this call number is either not complete, or it is wrong.


Me: Do you know what the subject is?

Patron: Hispanic prison gangs, I am writing a..........(I stopped her and said, "I don't need to
know all of that, I just need the subject that you are looking for.")

I found the correct call number for the book that she wanted. I then walked with her over to the section and pulled the book off the shelf for her.

Patron: I ALREADY HAVE THAT BOOK! I told that librarian that I already have that title.

There were other books with similar subject matter, so I showed her how to look in the index for her subject. She still had the same funky attitude, so I walked away.

There were a few others, but those two stood out. Maybe the fact that they copped an attitude as soon as I showed them their error was the reason they nor I was having any luck.


Jazzy said...

lol @ "I don't need to know all of that"

You are a truly patient person. I know I would give side-eyes to everyone ALL day long.

Actually I used to work in the library in high school. Mostly I sat at the front desk and read though.

Nexgrl said...

I get tired of patrons trying to tell me the whole story of why they need a particular item. I just need to know the subject, title, or something to identify what you want.

Anonymous said...

LOL, I heard that. Just cut to the chase, I don't care what you need the book for. You don't have to explain it to me!